All Time Best Stories

I want a steady income again

Single Fe, Northeast

Hi, It's been close to 2 years now I've been laid off after working in Hospital Administration. I have been applying and interviewing for jobs, working when I can through temp agencies yet nothing has been stable as of yet. Companies now are asking for part time hours Monday - Friday, or two months for an assignment with 40 hours a week. I live alone and carry all bills, I can not live off of part-time work... I have fallen behind on rent, car note, insurance, electricity, and food. Collecting unemployment is no where near to what I use to make monthly. I've gone through all of my savings and IRA account while waiting to get a job, thinking I'll be able to replace it later. I've cut out the extra expenses such as going to the movies, dining out, I was never the clothes horse or Handbags, Shoes collector type of woman. I know asking for money to pay my bills is not the solution, what I need is a steady income, during the time I have not been working I've attended low cost classes in upgrading my education in Business so I can be more marketable. The worse thing to do is to go on interviews and not have a valid account of your time between jobs. My goal is to start an online pet business I've been researching the following companies; and If I can generate enough funding to obtain my goal I should be able to sustain myself once more. I'm asking for help in keeping the necessity of life Home, Food, Car, Auto Insurance (required by law) and a steady income where I won't be laid off ever again. Sincerely,

Need Money For Critical Operation

I am in n, INDIA

Hi, I didn't know that one day I will be doing this, but out of desperation I have to do this, I don't know know what I am doing is right or wrong but when it is for the sake of one life I can't help it... Please Help me.... May god bless you all....

Have no money, running out of food and desperate.

Darkshine, England

I know there are stories of illness and heartache which you may deem more worthy for your donations and they probably are however, i have to try this because at the moment i cannot see any way out of this. I'm over my overdraft limit, my credit cards are maxed, i have borrowed from all of my friends and not been able to pay them back fully, i also asked my mum who has also got no money and she did give me some food. (eggs and a banana) I work in a shop and i have always worked, i get no benefits from the government, i was doing fine with my money but to cut a long story short, i have been paying for myself and my partner (and three cats and 3 rabbits) for over a year (on £650 a month) steadily getting further in debt. Now we have no money, and in 3 weeks when i do get payed, after my bills come out i will be in exactly the same position. Work will not give me any extra hours and i cannot afford to buy any stock for my business so that has been slowly dwindling and i can't send what i have sold, I am unsure how to progress. We would be greatful for any donations however small. They will be spent on food. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Family not falling...already fallen behind

Help, Michigan

We are a family of 3 with a 5 month old baby. My husband had a great job and got fired for taking a day off to go to the doctor with me for my son. Being in a state that it is a privilege to work they can fire you for any reason. We lost our car and are on our way to losing our home. We need help getting on our feet whilst he looks for employment. Please help us.

Help a family hit by chance

Heather, Michigan

We are a family of 3 with a 5 month old baby. My husband had a great job and got fired for taking a day off to go to the doctor with me for my son. Being in a state that it is a privilege to work they can fire you for any reason. We lost our car and are on our way to losing our home. We need help getting on our feet whilst he looks for employment. Please help us.