Want to help me making a investment?

Zois, Greece

Ι have searched much hours in the internet to find ways to earn money found differences ideas but the most was crap and certain wanted knowledge that i hadn't.I decide that the best would be to open an eshop,in the particular case that i ask your help don't like me the type of donation there are other that have need from donations, i want those that will help me they can have also something gain.For that decide the people that will help me get a part of the profits I made a research of market and saw that have demand the items for smokers,have thousands searches each month (as automatic chigarette machines and electronic cigarettes), also I saw that the competition it's mediocre!With a good plan (that it means right manufacture eshop-quality of products-good prices-right promotion) i believe that will be relatively easy to enter in the particular market! If you want το help-invest all you have to do is to give the amount you want!!! Remember it's not a donation it's invest!