Urgent need for rent, electric and water bills

Homeless , Houston,

Hello! our I know everyone has a story and I would truly appreciate a minute of your time to read mine. It starts about six months ago when our landlord told us (my 7 year old and I) that they were going to sell their house and we had a week to move. We ended up living in a hotel in Houston. I was working but it was no where near enough to cover the expenses. I took out payday loans, sold anything I could get a dime for just trying to survive. It didn't work. With that I was able to get us back into an apartment. Things were looking up until the company shut down two months after I got there. Once again, I found a job. I just got out of training, which took about two weeks. I am waiting tables and working as many hours as I can. I am now behind on rent, electric and water. I have six days to come up with rent - $600. Electric and water are two months behind and I have no idea when they are going to get shut off. It's heartbreaking to me. After living in my car my son is having seperation issues. With my working all the time he is always scared that that something is going to take mommy away because we have already lost so much. It's the holiday season, I gave up weeks ago on the idea that I might be able to get him even one present. The ONE thing I want to give him this year is not going back to living in my car. Please help us! Every dollar counts. Thank you in advance for your kindness!