urgent need for money
i need financial help as soon as possible. i should be moving to new apartment in february but im supposed to pay 2 months guaranteed rental, first month rent and home insurance payment for a year, that makes 2500 euros. my financial situation is not so bright at all. i manage somehow from month to month but, allways i need to think does my incomes be enough for whole month. some years ago i manage to screw things up completely and now i got debts about 25000. i pay them every month 150 euros and that is really big amount for me but no can do, just have to pay. i know its my own fault to get into this situation but, i know better now and i dont make the same mistakes again. i just wish to get a second chance to start my life again. i have been trying to find job too but, it seems to be really hard to get one. i have a dream to start my own busines someday, i sew clothes and make stuff from leather: shoes and bags. i have instagram kietu11 if you like to see what i have made. thank you for reading my story, if you feel like helping me, even with small amount, here is my paypal address paypal.me/reettam god bless you all

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