Unexpected layoff, in need of rent money and food.

Resortedt, Ontario,

Near the end of November I had a 2 week layoff, and upon returning to work they sent me home after 3 hrs and told me I will be returning in January. That is a total of at least six weeks off. My unemployment ran out last week so I need to reapply, but with the waiting period I will not receive anything until after Christmas. I used the little savings I had, to pay most of my bills for December. But come the first of January I will not have the funds for a loan payment, my rent and groceries (which I need now). My girls are old enough that they understand Christmas can wait until I am back to work. Any amount of help will be appreciated as I have no one to turn to. Thank You from the bottom of my heart to those who offer up a small donation to help me get through this tough time.