Unemployed, alone, and scared

Willing2W, Vancouver

I understand there are lots of people in need, but I am hoping you can take the time to read this short plea for help. With an education, and hard working ethic, I am ashamed to admit that I am suffering from financial hardships. I have made payments to my student loans, maintained myself and others, and kept a zero balance on my credit cards when I was working. I lost my job unexpectedly in 2010, and I have not recovered from it since. I have done contract work, but never enough to keep me above float. I started using my credit cards to live, and minimum wage jobs to pay for my student loans. While my debts got bigger, my job options got smaller. I can't keep up now as I have been unemployed for 5 months, and my savings is empty. I don't qualify for income assistance, or welfare/hardship assistance, or fall into any category where I would qualify for financial assistance. I don't know what to do, where to go, or who can help me. I am asking for your help, suggestions, or financial assistance. I am in desperate need, please help me. Regardless, I thank you for taking the time to read my story.