Trying my best,but running out of time. Please help.
Hi, my name is Michelle and I have two boys ages 8&7. My oldest son has epilepsy and is autistic and along requires a lot of attention. Life has changed for us drastically in the last month and has definitely been more than I can keep up with.o n July 15th their father ended up in jail which not only meant there was one less person to be able to watch our son while I worked but I lost about $800 in income right on the spot. I knew we would struggle some and my children werent taking dad around very well but I had hope that we would over come and Survive. But that also meant I had to go speak to my general manager because my only other person to be able to watch my sons (knowing what to do with the seizures and able to hand the autism),my mother, was leaving state on July 23rd for almost two weeks. This could not be changed And it was something she had to go do. There left me with noone to watch my children so I had no option but to speak with my boss Bout some time off work. She agreed And my last day of work was July 22nd. We talked and also agreed to having me back on the schedule and working Aug. 3rd. Needless to say in a two weeks time life drastically changed again. The morning of Aug. 3rd I called my job as soon as they opened asking about my hours and letting them know that I for sure was able to return back to work. I was told i did not work that day but she things were changing and they would call me that afternoon with my hours. No such call ever came, so I of course called the next day was also told schedules were not completed and I would receive a phone call. It was that day I also realized I was blocked for any outside of work communication that I had with my general manager. Still days later I had no phone call from my employer, but NOW they won't even answer my calls. At this point it starting to become clear that I must no longer have a job but they do not have the guts to call and actually terminate me the correct way. So now here I am trying the newly single parent thing, with two children one with disabilities, and 2/3 of my income gone in two weeks. Now I run into not having enough money to pay current rent along with extra payments that a due, no money for the electric bill, and trying to figure out car insurance so I can get my children where they need to go, look for a job and ultimately be able to get to a job when I do find one. I am still looking for a job as well trying to the the normal route for finding assistance( agencies and local charities) so far no call's have been returned. Yesterday (Aug 16th) when I arrived home there were order of possession papers o. My door from the local magistrate. Which means I have 10 days to come up with $2000 or be removed from my home. I am desperately trying any way possible to come up with this money so that my children do not have to leave their home on top of everything else they have lost or has changed(change for my autistic son is very difficult but all of this change at once would be crippling) So here I am a mother of these two young boys trying her best everyday to do my part in coming up with money to save my home bit ultimately seem to be coming up short, so I am BEGGING if anyone finds it in their heart or is able to help us in anyway please do so it would mean the world to my boys and I. Anything at All is welcomed for that means I am one step closer to my goal that needs met in such a short time. THANK YOU..
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