Tough life, hopeless situation, bank debts.. looking for some good people..

Robert, Gdansk, P

Hello... I come from Poland, I'm 24 years old. All my life I was trying to help other people, I got money, I got friends, I got everything. Now my situation changed... I lost my job 4 months ago, I got big loan in bank, about 13000 zlotys - transfered to dollars it will be something like 4200$.. I know this isn't fortune for something but for me is.. I'm getting letters from bank, I don't have anything more to sell. Friends and family won't help me.. you know how it is - when you are ok with your financials then everyone love you, but when you're broke - there's noone to help. Even a simple 1$ would be great.. I'm searching for the job, I'll return every dollar you will LEND me when I get back to the feet. I've read some stories here - maybe my story doesn't sound terrible but in fact it is... this bank loan is killing me, year ago I was happy, healthy man. Today I can't even look in the mirror, this is terrible what lack of money makes you.. Sorry for my bad english, I did my best. Thanks people in advance.. Robert