To pay off some debt

Thom, London, E

I am suffering deep depression and anxiety because of the debt im in. I lost my first job and i couldn't pay bills which they kept adding interest to. Then i lost my second job because i couldn't cope with the stress and issues im facing. I then went to college but had to drop out because im having anxiety attacks a lot. I know if i could relieve this financial burden i could move on with my life and start looking for work again. Im so sick of being stuck at home, i havent left my house in weeks because i cant handle the stress. The government wont help me because they say my anxiety and depression are not good enough reasons not to work. Can someone please help me. I am over £4000 in debt, i know it may seem small to some but i have no money and it keeps going up. I will be forever grateful and i would try my best to find a way to repay you. Also i have to give up my dream of being a dancer because of this so your help may give me the opportunity to continue my training. Thank you for reading and god bless.