The Reason is this...

Kat Fishe, Chicago

When someone asked me for help I gave them what I had, if it were a cup of coffee, bus fare, train fare I did what I could or sometimes it was what I felt like giving. I would help homeless, complete strangers and family members like they were all the same. People who needed my help. In school, I would stay up for hours helping others with their homework if they needed me and trusted me to help them. No I don't anticipate everyone to be as giving and as caring as I am but the fact that someone like me is alive and kicking and willing should even out some of the evilness in this world. Those who believe that good and evil need to be balanced and there is just as much good as there is bad have a realistic perspective on life. I beg today for the purpose of: I need money to live and prosper just like anyone else. It would go a step further for people to give to, now an even faceless person. You don't know the color of my skin, my facial expression, the tone of voice or the clothes I wear. I ask you to give because I need it and if it does not hurt your bank account than give because someone someday will give to you when you need it. It might be me or the person 500 miles away.