The Less Privilege Needs Help

Calvary Greetings to you all. My name is Mrs Susan Michael, the founder of Love In The Porters House Orphanage Home originated in Lagos Nigeria. I am here to plead with the generous people in the world to assist me help the poor in need. I started taking care of the less privilege the young and old people since 17th August 2010. I lost my husband 2013 and ever since then it has not been too easy for me alone. Though I do receive goodies like clothes, caned foods and sometimes money from some generous people around. My salary alone cannot do it all. They're 16 children under the age of 4 to 11 who are still not enrolled in school while some are in School and I still have to provide foods and medicines to keep everyone in good health. Ever since I started this mission I've lost 3 children who died from Malaria and Typhoid Fever. Sometimes the pressure I face makes me cry and want to do stupid things. I am pleading to the world to please join hands with me financially and materially to help save the poor and to keep the good work of our Lord going, no amount is too small or too big. God bless you all as you contribute to save the poor.