Surgery needed for rape victim!

AmandaNvk, Cleveland

Hello, my name is Amanda. I am 20 years old. I used to be an energetic, fun loving, happy, hard working, family oriented individual. Then I got beat and raped by someone I had known for years and thought I could trust. I used to enjoy things like exploring and hiking with my brothers, running down the beach with my cousins, gardening with my mom, volunteering at the nursing home and much much more. All of that was taken from me though. I now need a surgery to fix my back and even with insurance I still need to come up with almost $20,000. Please help me get my life back. I want to be able to enjoy all the things I once did, I don't want to have to be on government assistance like disability, I want to be able to stand for longer than 10 minutes without my back giving out, I want to be able to hold my 2year old niece again, I don't want to have to be of muscle relaxers pain meds and steroids and most of all I don't want to be in constant pain any more! Please help me get my life back! Please I beg of you! Thank you for all your help it truly means the world to me!