Student loans and medical bills

Officer i, Arizona

The main reason I joined the police department is to help others. Unfortunately, due to the economic downfall, I have not had a raise in five years and opportunities for overtime are slim. I am making under basic officer pay, which is not that much. In addition, cost of leaving, healthcare, lawyer fees and pension contributions have skyrocketed. Many of my brother’s in blue have lost their homes and even had their vehicles repossessed (yes at the police station). I have been lucky to keep my job and am very thankful for that. My wife and kid both had inpatient surgery costing me thousands out of pocket. Due to my wife having complications with childbirth, an unknown blood disorder, and debilitating lower back/hip pain, I will continue looking for a cure for her no matter what the cost. I love my family and will do anything for them. With that said, I have $32,000 in student loans that I am unable to pay at this time and I am at risk of defaulting which will devastate my chances of applying for a much needed car loan. I am asking for any financial assistance to help me pay off my student loan and medical expenses. It is my greatest joy to help those that are in need and yes even die trying. I am in desperate need of your assistance. Thank you.