Student Loan and homeless.
Terrience, Tallahass
Hello, My name is Terrience and I am 26 years old. I have been unemployed for six years and I have no money to pay back student loans. I was forced to dropout of college because I ran out of funds to pay for college. I have been applying from job to job. I tried any and everything to get work but to no avail. I tried dressing up for interviews and adding fancy words to my resume but all in vain. No one will give me an opportunity to earn my way in the world.
I have sold all my things including video games, and jewelry. Everything I sold automatically goes to student loan debt. I am now homeless because I have no money to pay for rent. I have nothing. I am on the verge of suicide because how depressed I am.
So I humbly ask that you can give me anything to help me pay back my $75,000 student loan debt and a place to live.

good info….