Struggling with bills & debts
Dlink, UK
My fiance lost her job due to company cut backs, she has been struggling to find work since. It isn't easy for her as English is not her first language, and like me lacks any specific skills in the workplace. We had hoped to visit her parents in Europe this year, but our savings are gone and rent, council tax and energy bills are set to rise even further. She hasn't seen her parents in 3 years :( My girlfriend is incredibly sweet, caring and cheerful always, but I know that deep inside she misses them dearly...
I am working long night shifts on near minimum wage and doing much overtime to cover all of our bills and living expenses, but since she lost her job it has be a growing struggle to cover the costs :(
Each month the interest outweighs the amount we can pay back, we have been trying our best...
Please help us pay off our £2000 debt :'(

tnx for info….
good day.. first of all, i want to introduce my self my name is angel patricia go i also wrote in this site last year where you also wrote and ask for a help. i just want to tell you that i can help you. i can help you not financialy but i wil tell you that there are still good person in this world who are wiling to help people in need like us. they are mr and mrs gonzaga they dont have children so they prefer to help people in need. he help me and my family pay our debts which is 76,000usd.. i am so thankful that there are stil such good samaritan like them and i hope that they wil also help you and pls dont tel them that i am the one who told you about them because they only help people who deserve it thats what i can do.i just want to share this blessing. tell them your story they wil listen. hope they wil help you too like what they did to me and my family.good luck and god bless. if you are interested just let me know email me at mayetgo@gmail.com
I saw your post and i am a money lender, i offer loan at low interest rate so if you are in need of a loan just contact me via my email address: rolland_kyle@yahoo.com so we can proceed on the loan…. i can offer you a lone of £2000 so you can pay an interest of 5 percent before six months….. so if you are interested contact me