Struggling Graduate Student

Graduate , New York,

I am in tears. I've been staying positive for the last year - interviewing, going to job fairs, doing everything I'm supposed to do - but I've run out of time. I graduated from NYU last year with my MASTERS degree in marketing and have not been able to find work anywhere. I am freelancing right now, but nothing permanent and the pay is really low. This is a job I could have gotten without school. They say I do not have enough experience and yet no one is willing to hire me and train me. I am so motivated to work, but my loans is what bothers me. I owe over $125,000 in loans. YES - you read correctly. Three figures. AND the interest every month amounts to at least $650 every month. My minimum payments every month are $850 which means I'm not reducing the principal. I am not one to beg - but please donate anything you can. My parents are also getting older and looking to depend on me more. My mom just had surgery and my dad is not doing well health wise. We though that college was the right answer and that taking out these loans would be ok because I would land a great job upon receiving my degree(s) and would be able to pay back the loans in no time. A dollar or two goes a long way and I would be forever grateful. Please help me and my family.