Small business Start up Help.
$2000-$50, Oregon
As the title implies I am needing to raise $2000-$5000 to kickstart my business plan into action.
I have reached the point where I have exhausted all my funds I have had family help to reach this point and my own hard efforts have got me so close.
My target is $2000 that will get me off to a great start and I can then work on the other $3000 but if there are people who are willing to help get me to $5000 then that would be truly appreciated.
I know to some $2000 is nothing to others like myself its a huge amount in my current situation, I know I could make my business work the frustration of it being at my finger tips is hard to Handel and at the moment the passion is alive the longer this struggle continues the harder it becomes to put my soul into this 25/7.
I just want things to start moving forward and I am coming to you all asking for the help to help create a opportunity for myself and family.
My promise to come back when I am able and to help those like myself start a dream
I thank you all who stop by and all who Can help.

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