Single Mother Of Two On The Verge Of Becoming Homeless...

Desertflo, Virginia

Hi, I'm in a very bad situation at this time, and am asking for help. I am a mother of two, and my husband left me stuck with bogus bills while I myself was only receiving unemployment at that time. I eventually went back to work, but a couple of months afterwards my car broke down. Being that I most definitely could not afford a babysitter, I started working from home. Just when I thought nothing else could go wrong, my computer all of a sudden crashes. So i ended up with no internet (disconnected), phone (disconnected), job, or car. Fortunately, I have nice neighbors that allow me to use their internet @ this time, but still not able to work because I have no phone, and the public transportation in this area stop running very early, which will not work because all of the job openings require that you work a flexible schedule. Currently I am in debt with my house bills being that I was not able to play catch up, and have now received an electricity cut off notice. I have no idea how I am gonna be able to afford to pay my bills or my rent. I fear that me and my children are on the verge of becoming homeless, because we have no one else to turn to or help us. So please if you're reading this, and find it in your heart to donate in order to help me go back to work, as well as take care of other important tasks like pay my past due bills, Dr.'s appointments., be active in my children's school, be able to go and buy grocery's, etc... I would be so appreciative, and thankful! I never thought that I would actually be put in this situation where I would force myself to ask those that I do not know for help. I am learning that sometimes you have to put your pride aside, especially if it's for a cause that will not just benefit you, but those whom you love even more than yourself which are my children. If this post find someone in good spirits that is able to help, I thank you, and may god bless you.