Sick Husband and Father of Three Needs Help

Sick Husb, Middletow

I became too ill to work in November of 2012. Two specialists believe I have Crohn's disease. Since this disease has set in, I have also began experiencing neurological problems and emotional problems. I have been through many medical procedures. I see doctors on a regular basis and do weekly therapy to help me get through this hard time in my life. Prior to my illness I was working full time plus massive overtime to support my family. I have used my retirement fund and drained my bank account. I also sold my vehicle and personal belongings. I finally had to get government help. My wife currently cares for our children and does the majority of household duties due to my condition. We are hoping someone with the means to help us can help us out. We would greatly appreciate it!!! ALL MONEY DONATED WILL GO TOWARDS BILLS AND OUR CHILDREN. You can donate to our email via Paypal at