Save my business

Dhutbb, Fresno, C

I need help to save my business. In September 2010 I was declared disable by SSA. After a few months I couldn't live on the money I got relly behind on all my bills. I started an E-waste recycling business in hopes I could do a little better. I'm 52 yrs old so I'm sore as heck at the end of the day. But I figured if I work my butt of for a while I can hire some one to do the heavy lifting eventually. For the first time in a long time things were looking up. I had an 1 employee who was a good worker. He hurt his back on his day off. Then I got a letter from the DMV. My license will be suspended next month for unpaid tickets from 10 years ago that I thought I had taken care of. They won't take payments because they are to old. (in collections) and I can't get my license until they are paid in full. Business is picking up now, and I working on some big clients. But it's all for naught if I can't drive. Can someone please help. I need $1500 or I have to shut down