rock bottom
Dublin33, Ireland
i really dont do this but i do believe it can happen to anybody at anygiven stage in life,my story is about my dreams wen i was around 15 which i worked right up until i was 28,i got attacked in work for doing my job,that 20 minutes ruined me,,it brought my dreams of owning my own home,business crashing down,,i do still believe in hope and try to stay positive each day,but each day is all i can do right now,,im not really askin for much jus a donation to slowly get out of this rut,i know there are decent people who will read this and know wen i say you never know wen your walls come crashing down,i never thought it would,but i know if i were in a position to help others finacially i would,thank you for reading,im not expecting anything but thought id share a genuine life experience.

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