Rent and eviction, got married and got fired
Amy, Colorado
Getting married should be the happiest time in someone's life. And it was for me. Four months ago I married the man of my dreams at the local courthouse. He left his family, job, and possessions and moved halfway across the country for me. I wanted everyone else to be happy too. Unfortunately, people at my current employment began to gossip, and spread rumors, and I was let go because I got married and because they wanted save face. I wanted to hire a lawyer but lacked the funds.
I began frantically searching for another job and have a promising lead but it doesn't start until January. However, in the meantime, we are facing eviction and our first Christmas as a married couple as homeless people. We haven't paid any bills this month and I worry every day about food and whether the power will stay on. My husband has also tried desperately to get a job but has been discriminated against by several hiring places because of his ethnicity. I hate lowering myself to begging. It is a blow to my pride, but we have no money. We need about $900 to pay rent and the bills we have now. I hope you find it in your heart to help us during this holiday season. Thank

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