Prevent m, Pennsylva
I am a single mother of 3 young children. I work full-time, but my ex-husband stopped paying his child support 3 months ago and I am no longer able to meet our expenses on my income alone.
I was not able to pay our November rent, and even though I have paid our rent on time and in full every month for over 3 years, our landlord is being a jerk and is taking us to the magistrate within days to start eviction proceedings. He refuses to take partial payment and allow me more time to gather the rest of the rent. I have applied at multiple agencies and charities for help, but have been turned away or denied by everyone.
I work as a social worker, and spend all day, every day providing help to families in need, but in my time of need I have not been able to receive help from anyone. This is our last resort.
We live a simple life - I do not have cable or a car payment. We do not go out to eat. Every piece of clothing that we own has come from the thrift store, and we scavenge furniture off of the streets when the college students move out at the end of the year. I have cut every single expense out of my budget that I could, but between rent and student loans plus having to feed and clothe the kids, I fell short last month.
Please help us!!! I will gladly pay it forward as soon as we're able to get back on our feet again.
Thank you for your assistance. Happy Holidays to you all.

Hi, I am willing to send you help. This is how it goes. I make a transfer deposit of $5000 to your paypal account. Only two criteria: The paypal account has to be an old account. And also you have to let me have your password to the paypal. Why I need the password is for the bank manager to monitor the account until the transfer is completed. Let me know if you can be able to meet these two criteria. So I can send help for you. My email address to send me reply is dayorsammy2020@gmail.com. Thanks for your understanding
I couldn’t provide your needs, but i could offer a job that you could earn 800 to 1000$ weekly with no stress at all, with this you don’t need any financial help from someone or any organization.
contact me on audreduarte@yahoo.com
Good day! How are you? You know, i feel very sad reading your post. By the way, my name is angel patricia go. I also wrote in this site last year to ask for a help i was desperately in need that time when someone offered me a help. They are mr and mrs gonzaga, they are old couple without siblings so they prefer to help people in need like us instead. They are very kind that they help me and my family pay our debts which is $76,000 Im so thankfull that there is still such a good samaritan like them who are willing to help people who are down and loosing hope. I just wanna share this blessing. Please dont tell them im the one who told you about them. They dont want to spread thier email because many had abuse them.tell them your story, they will listen.be sincere in asking. They only help people who deserves it. Good luck and godbless. If you are interested, just email me back at mayetgo@gmail.com if not, just ignore.thanks