Recent poor health screwing with my income.
Emay, LV, NV
I'm an independent contractor, so if I can't work I don't get paid. I have a surgery coming up soon to solve the current problems (TMI: recurrent UTIS due to growths on uterus, as a complication of Lupus most likely), but it's been seriously kicking my butt as I'm on preventative antibiotics so it's stupid easy to trigger a flare and knock me on said butt.
My rent is only $260/mo. I'm about $200 short right now (I know, basically all), but should be only $100 short by end of month, working as much as I can, it's just difficult.
good info!…
This is a little outdated. I am now beginning pre-op testing on March 3 for hysterectomy. As you can see from struggling to even pay my rent, my previous plans of trying to save up a few months so I can recover without worry isn’t working, so trying to raise money for the time off, again rent is only $260, so looking for 2-3 monhts of that.
Hi Emay! I can help you out with your situation. You could come up with $200 easily. Shoot me an email if you’re interested: