Rebuilding my life
Sid, India
Dear Friend,
My name is Sid.
I had lived and worked in the US for long time. I have a masters degree from an American University as well.
However, I had to leave the US. Presently I live in India.
I will depict the horrible experience I had got while working in the US on H1B (Guest Worker) visa.
Like many other young people coming to the US I too had great expectations and dreams. I wanted to contribute to the US economy. I wanted to achieve my American Dream.
However very soon my dreams had been shattered.
The company I had joined had been an unscrupulous one.
They hire immigrant workers but used to break all possible labor laws.
Working there was like modern day slavery.
Suddenly the company stopped paying me salaries. I asked for my salary many times but did not get any valid response from the company.
They even threatened me of deportation if I had reported the matter to the authority.
I had to undergo severe mental torture.
However I defied their threat and reported to the US Department of Labor (DOL). DOL started an investigation which helped me get back some of the unpaid wage.
As a result I was terminated in retaliation from my job.
Eventually I had to come back to my home country India on my own.
I did not get any support from the US Government.
My American Dream had thus turned to American nightmare.
I became depressed. My life became totally devastated. Till now I have not been able to fully recover from that nightmarish experience.
America is the citadel of liberty and justice. No individual should be treated this way like I was.
Despite all these I still love America and its people.
I am an optimist. I want to rebuild my life.
I am completely devastated now but will bounce back for sure.
I want to go to the US again. I want to contribute to the American society and economy. I want to fulfill my American dream.
I am still fighting for my rights. However it requires lot of money.
Will you please help me in my pursuit for seeking justice? Then kindly contribute a generous amount so that I can achieve justice and fulfill my American dream.
Your contribution, however small, would be immense blessings for me.
God bless you and your near ones.

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