Hi my name is chinna. am a poor family member.am from india. i dont have good comunication skills for telling my problems clearly. plz excuse me.
My father met with an accident with a car. and got seriously injured.My father is out of work due to a surgery he had on his right leg. i am paid lot of money for my father surgery.I recently lost my job to all the doctor and hospital appointments.my family dont have any income We have tons of medical bills that keep coming and they are adding up. my father had no insurance . Our home in finance, i have taken money for surgery.monthly intrest is $150. which we are behind in now that I lost my job.my family got critical situvation, my problems or not solving the time my all family go to sucide. i dont have any way. i want to getting back my home in finance.I got a 10 day emergency hold on that.please help me some money.If anyone has the generosity and heart to help me and donate I will forever be grateful to you. It would mean the entire world to me.

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