please need help wife ill

Mike hoff, 29820 sw

please need help my wife is ill i'm a working person plumber I have had to take care of her so my funds from working have gone she is in the hospital almost every month for treatment she just finish chemo and that was very expensive finally got help from medicade I don't even have a retirement fund I'm going to be 60 in 2016 and have nothing to show but the house we live in and thank God for hamp program we were able to keep that but now if I have to sell to help her what will we do we can't afford another high mortgage againg please someone out ther help   .my child is going to college, I have two, one in college already and one graduating this yearI gone to the extreme of trying to sell my house to help the youngest one with extra funds aside from government help so she doesn't become  at an early age in dept please if someone with a kind heart an able to help me out a little with funding with college for her please reply to