Please help With my course fees!
Csamm, UK
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening,
My name is Charlee, i am currently working full time on little wage on a temporary contract with is due to expire in october. I been been at this job for just over a year and have done my best at trying to save for a course to get the job of my dreams. i have had many jobs and have never found it difficult to find work, alot through agencies, but everytime i try to better myself and settle in something goes wrong, many of my jobs being through agency have come to an end leaving me to have to spend the money I have saved on bills, rent, food etc. Family circumstances have also not been there best, my mother being an alcoholic from an abusive husband and father to myself and younger brother for as long as i can remember,most of our childhood was filled with violence and police.
I know there are many people out there that have suffered far far worse than we have so am not asking for sympathy, just a little help to follow my dreams and therefore live a much happier healthier life than I have had so far.
My course I would love to do is for outdoor adventure working with school children and adults teaching them about the outdoors and getting them outside in the fresh air and meeting new people and enjoying new activities rather than (as i am now) sitting inside on a computer.
My Course is £7500 in total which i think is crazy to ask for help for, but from this will bring me much happiness and 18 qualifications which i am sure will help me along my way, and then maybe one day i could start saving for my own home.
Every little helps.
Thank you even if you have read my story.
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