Please help with funeral costs

Bergers1, New York,

Hi All. This is probably the lowest point of my life to date. My father died when I was very young and all I have known is just me and my mom. I am now 42 and earlier this year my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She went from being a very active 86 year-old to hardly being able to move or dress without assistance. I gave up my job and moved out of rented accommodation to live with my mom and became her full-time carer. Anyway to cut a long story short, she started having chemo but after a couple of sessions it make her feel really ill and she refused further treatment. She passed away peacefully on 25 August. I didn't realise that to save money she had cancelled the insurance policy that would have paid in full the funeral costs and I was left with a bill of $3,000. I have managed to pay $1,200 of this from my depleted savings but need to find the rest in order to get her ashes back and place them in a garden of remembrance. I have no other family it was just my mom and I. Any help you can give at this point will be greatly appreciated. Thank You.