Please help medically retired veteran and fiance with 1 month of bills
ChristalB, Winston S
Hello, this is hard for us to do, but we have no where else to go. I am the mother of a young man who is serving our country in the Air Force, and fiance of an Iraq war veteran (Army). Recently, my fiance and I both lost our jobs. We are waiting for unemployment to start, but it is taking forever to get approved for some reason. He interviewed for a job last week and has gotten the job pending a background check, which is no problem. I applied for the same company and have an interview next week.
The problem is, we have to pay bills that are due the beginning of December, just the ones his military retirement pay does not cover (this only covers rent and half of HIS car payment) until our paychecks start coming in, once we start working. We used our savings to pay bills last month, and have no money left. With car payment, utilities, insurance, gas for the cars and food, this totals $1012.
We have never asked others for anything, and gave our last 2 dollars to a fundraiser for a woman who's house burnt down in our area the other day. We will continue to help others once we are back on our feet shortly, but we really need help just once. My fiance actually broke down and cried this morning. This is why I am doing this. Any help would be appreciated, and we will even pay you back once we are on our feet. Thank you so much.
Paypal email: kissthesky30@yahoo.com

thank you!…
I couldn’t provide your needs, but i could offer a job that you could earn 800 to 1000$ weekly with no stress at all, with this you don’t need any financial help from someone or any organization.
contact me on audreduarte@yahoo.com
Good day! How are you? You know, i feel very sad reading your post. By the way, my name is angel patricia go. I also wrote in this site last year to ask for a help i was desperately in need that time when someone offered me a help. They are mr and mrs gonzaga, they are old couple without siblings so they prefer to help people in need like us instead. They are very kind that they help me and my family pay our debts which is $76,000 Im so thankfull that there is still such a good samaritan like them who are willing to help people who are down and loosing hope. I just wanna share this blessing. Please dont tell them im the one who told you about them. They dont want to spread thier email because many had abuse them.tell them your story, they will listen.be sincere in asking. They only help people who deserves it. Good luvk and godbless. If you are interested, just email me back at mayetgo@gmail.com if not, just ignore.thanks