please help me to have some grieving time for my darling mum

Goldingot, Australia

hi - i have never begged in my life and am usually the kind of person who donates $5 or $10 to worthy causes online and off so this is something that is totally alien to me. i dont own a credit card and never want to.....if i cant pay for it i cant have it. i have a 3 day a week job for 9 months of the year so i happily live on a very small basic yearly wage. However after nursing my mother for the past 8 month and taking six months off work to do this whilst i have no regrets for spending time with her i had no income coming in except for 55.00 govt care a week. I was heartbroken when we buried my darling mum on aug 12 and apart from 5 paid days of bereavement leave work cannot offer me any other money unless i return to work. I need time out to grieve and look after my elderly father but i cant live on air. Ive advertised a few of my possessions online in australia hoping i can raise some money but nothing has sold as yet. i understand that im so lucky to have a job but if i dont address my grief and go back to work too soon i fear the outcome would be worse in the long term. So this is why i am taking a chance and baring my soul to you. If the universe feels that i truly am worthy of your help....then they will see to it. Thank you for taking the time to read this.