Please Help me and my family in trouble

Dbprasadb, Chennai

Dear Ones, It is a message from our hearts to get a help from you. I need help to further and keep survival with my wife and three children. The debts ($ 80,000) that cripples me and prevents me from having a normal life. I lost my job and my properties towards my loans and unable to recover from my debts. Day to day, it is increases by interest and not able to pay. But I think no future. I am tired of being worried, stressed, unable to sleep, and being depressed. I am struggling hard to feed my family and not able to come out of my debts, it is very hard time to come out of this stage, please help me even a little contributions that makes me bit less from my worries. My family is in a deep come back to normal life. I will pay it forward when we are on our feet. I think, my try to get a help from you, in my favour to get into my life again . Thank you for reading and your well wished contributions to lift my life. I believe in people and the humanity. Thanks and My best regards Paypal email id: