Please Help A Needy Family

Leadingpa, Missouri

We need a little assistance to help us through a rough time. We are a family of 6, my husband, our 4 kids, and myself. My husband has been laid off quite some time and has been feverishly looking for a more reliable job. I am on disability due to Multiple Sclerosis and have been in and out of the hospital a lot recently due to complications of my urostomy. We are doing everything we know to make ends meet but we have fallen a little short. We don't typically ask for much and we have found ways to make a dollar stretch. If you could give us a little help, we would be forever grateful and promise to pay it forward when things get better. Paying it forward means a lot to us. When we purchased a new car a few years back, we gave our old car to a family who really needed a vehicle. Yes, we gave it to them, free and clear. We knew we could have made a few bucks off of the old car but it felt right giving them something they so desperately needed. Now, we have fallen on hard times and hoping someone can help us out with $200-300 this one time. I promise you will not see us asking for anymore money than this onetime. Thank you in advance. The Frederick Family