Friendiam, Virginia

Folks, I stumbled across this site and as I search through all the beg stories, it is a humbling experience to read about those much less fortunate than most. It makes one wonder, as the rich get richer, and the poor really do get poorer. In 2007, right about the time the economic crisis hit, the distribution of wealth in the United States was 20% (top wealthiest people), 20% (top middle class), 20% (middle class), and 40% (poor). In 2007, the top 10% of wealthiest Americans owned 80% of the county's financial assets. In 2013, the distribution of wealth in the United States was approximately 6% (top wealthiest people), 31% (top middle class), 33% (middle class) and 31% (poor). Now, if you look at those 2013 numbers, you may say "but wait, there are LESS poor, and more top middle and middle class..that's an improvement, right??" Not so fast! The breaks in wealth classes go like this. If you fall in the poor category, you make $10,000 or less per year. Middle class adults make $10,001 to $100,000, and top middle class adults make $100,000 - $1,000,000 per year. Now, anyone who makes $100,000 or more should be able to live within their means, and have a comfortable lifestyle, but since the average wealth for an adult in the United States is just a little over $44,000, I would think that there are many folks out there struggling to pay bills, put a roof over their head, and put food on the table each night. Consider this. In 2007, the total percentage of distribution of wealth for the poor and middle class adults was 60%. In 2013, the total percentage is 64%. Four percent, you say? Not that significant??? Look at the upper class percentage in 2007 vs 2013. It dropped from 20% to a little less than 6%, AND that 6% STILL OWNS 80% OF THE COUNTRY'S FINANCIAL ASSETS! The wealthy are truly getting richer! So, I know by now, you're tired of reading all my ramblings, but here's my beg for money. There are hundreds and hundreds of folks on this site begging for money for basic survival needs, medical expenses, heavy debt, abusive significant others, etc. All worthy causes but how do you choose one over another? Are you sympathetic but so overwhelmed by the stories that you just decide to not contribute?? Click on Donate on my site, and I will PAY FORWARD to a randomly selected, recent, worthy cause for each $100 total donations. In exchange for accepting the donation, the recipient will agree to an honor pledge to help someone else in need at some point in the next year...PAY IT FORWARD. Let's start some kindness, generosity, and general good will toward each other by offering up $1, $5, or more. I will post a new Beg each time I hit $100 total donations; the recipient will need to agree to let me promote the donation. Come on folks...let's step it up and help others out. Who knows?? It could be you one day! PAY IT FORWARD!!!!