Pay Off Credit Card Bill & Timeshare Loan

Looking F, West Virg

Ok let me start by saying my hours went down at my job so i'm not getting near enough money to be able to survive. I live with my mother now so I could save money for a permanent move to Orlando, Florida as i'm a Disney guy & have always felt like Florida was more of a home to me than here. I have been with the same job since 2001 & I barely make ends meet, another job doesn't seem to be the answer either as I did it before & it did not work out. I visit Florida twice a year & i'm not giving that up, it's the only thing I really spend money on save bills, food & going to movies out of town that we don't have here or online In 2012 I bought into Disney Vacation Club & I thought I had the money to keep it up, now I pay about $67 a month that I don't really have in order to keep it. The dues on it are under $24.03 a month so that's not an issue but the $67 comes from the $4,500 I had to finance in order to get it. My rent is minor, $200 a month which is normally do-able but right now things are just tight. I have a $67 a month cellphone bill & I have almost a $2,000 credit card bill I will have to pay on each month in order to survive as well because my regular money in the bank right now is not as plentiful as it used to be. So I don't know if this will work or not but this is a last resort. I need money, lots of it so I can pay off these debts & get things back to normal. If I could ask for anything right now, it would be the money to pay off my DVC loan so i'm only paying $24.03 a month & the money to pay off my current soon-to-be $2,000 credit card debt & it would be nice to have a little chunk of change to be able to pay off next years two week long trips & have a little spending money so I can breathe a little easier. I know i'm asking for a lot but every little bit helps, thank you anyone that took the time to read this plea for help as you may be able to get me back on my feet again. Thank you for your time Dustin