New place, need help after emergency!

I have made some major changes in my life. Started making better decisions, got a job, paid off some of my debt, and got my own place. Had enough to furnish my place and thought that I had enough left to make all the bills. Sometimes bad things happen, and I have just drained my bank account dealing with an immediate emergency. Just need a little help so that I make my first month's rent, electricity, and food for me and my kitty. I don't like asking for help, but I'm at the end of my rope. I hope whoever reading this can help me out. I'd be very grateful. I have a job and I hope that in the future it will provide for me better. I am extremely grateful for whatever I have and live within my means. About $400 would help out. Need to raise at least $200 within the next week. Thank you for your time and I hope to report progress in my situation should this site allow for it.