Needing Help W/Having a Baby

Needing H, Oklahoma

My story is different, I make money to pay my bills, and I'm not behind on anything. My problems I make enought to pay my bills but nothing to save. The reason I'm looking for help is because I had to have my tubes tied because I was told I could not have babies do to my sudden heart condition (Cardiomyopathy) They told me I would never be better for the rest of my life and its rare if I even got 45% normal heart. Well its been 9 years later and just taking care of my self and I show no signs of every having a heart condition. Being its makes me upset that I had my tubes tied when I didnt have to...Why were tubes tides they thought pressure having baby make my heart pump faster and kill me and birth control same didnt know how it would effect my heart. Well I have thought love and hard about it and I'm married now for five years and I really want to have a child and its going to cost me $6000,00 to have a child. I'm really looking for help to get to my goal to have this baby..I have have a doctor and my medical records review. If there is anybody that could help me I would be forever thankful.