Need Water
Need Mone, Mico,Texa
I’m raising money for a cause I care about, but I need your help to reach my goal! Please become a supporter to follow my progress and share with your friends. I Lost my Job and my Unemployment has run out.I am praying everyday that someone reads this and finds it in their Heart to help me out in anyway possible any amount of money will help. I have run out of money to pay my rent and also any other bill Gas, Light and Food. If anyone can help me I would be so grateful. This has to be the worst time in my life and I just do not know what to do. God Bless You…..
The situation I’m in right now is embarrassing for me, I’m at the lowest I’ve ever been, I have no gas in my car, no money to put gas in it. I had no money for get my 2 daughters to school . I live 45 minutes to school , no bus for this routr. PLEASE HELP ME!! And the worst part is that I lost my job back in December . I’ve always been successful but this past year was a tough one for me, I really hope this all passes and my life can start getting better again. I would never wish the situation I’m in to anyone. I know there are people that are in worst situations than me so if you can’t help me please help someone else, who knows, one day is me the next is you. 8 months ago as my well water ran out. Location in Texas Lake Medina Lake is dry no water. And make the deepest well that I have cost 25,000. I have 2 daughters living with me. I need your help please. I have no money for my daughters. I’m in a desperate situation. I beg for help. I need water.
Thank you so much for reading this, I hope you’re day is going well
my paypal
good info!!…
Im sorry i couldn’t provide your needs, but i could offer a job that you could earn 300 to 500$ weekly with little stress, with this you don’t need any financial help from someone or any organization. hope to read from you soon
contact me on
Terrence Knight
I couldn’t provide your needs, but i could offer a job that you could earn 800 to 1000$ weekly with no stress at all, with this you don’t need any financial help from someone or any organization.
contact me on