Need the money

Help Me S, Virginia

So this isn't necessarily a sob story. I am a 23 year old Mexican and Black lesbian. Still living with my mother something I said I wouldn't b doing by this age. I am currently working right now making minimum wage. I am moving to California in January, given the world doesn't end on Dec. 21st. I will be living with a friend for a few months. So that was I can save up for a car nothing fancy. Something in the range of $2500-3000. I will also have to be saving for an apartment, because my friends house is small and everyone knows living wit friends doesn't last long. Once I have a car and a place to myself I will be starting film school in the fall. AKA going into major debt, because of student loans. So I am in need of a little help with saving. My mom is struggling with bills and rent its almost impossible to save. I won't be able to actually save any money until she finds a second job, which is hard because the economy sucks and no one is hiring. I would greatly appreciate any help you can give.