Need money for school
Eric H, Orlando,
Been working for several years in pizza delivery, but I decided to quit and relocate to orlando to go back to school after getting a gun pulled on me on two seperate occasions and knifed in the hand. I haven't been able to find any other jobs for close to a year (and been looking), and I'm broke. I just need a little bit of help until financial aid kicks in.
Thank you for helping me get back on my feet.
good info!…
hi im glad to recieve response frm you since i saw your post that you realy in need here is the email of a couple who help me a lot. pls dont tel them im the one who gave their email to you they dont want to spread it because many had abuse them.they are very kind i hope they wil also help you like what they did to me and to my sincere in asking they only help people who deserve it. tel them your story. they wil listen i swear and 100 percent sure they wil change your life. good luck and god bless for some question feel free to ask me.