Need help with rent

Justneeda, USA

I realize there are a lot of people in the same situation as me. Times are tough all around. Still, at this point all I can do is ask for help and hope that I might receive it. I have been unemployed since 10/2011. My husband is disabled, and since I was making too much money when I was working, he was ineligible for disability benefits. We are currently in the process of trying to obtain them, but the process is long. We do not know when/if he will be approved. In the meantime, I am enrolled in classes this fall and will receive enough financial aid to cover school and rent. Currently, though, I am 2 months behind on rent. I am fortunate to have a landlord who is willing to work with me to some extent, but I really cannot get more than 2 months behind. I had enough money for rent ($600) but nothing extra in case of emergency. Well, my car broke down. We only have one vehicle these days and cannot be without transportation. I have to be able to get my husband to his various doctor appointments, and public transportation is simply not an option. I also have a 4 year old to care for. I've looked into local programs and agencies, and I have found an agency that offers a rental assistance program, but I cannot even call to talk to anyone there until Tuesday between 5 and 5:30 PM and then, assuming I'm one of the lucky ones to actually talk to someone, there's an intake process and wait. I wish I had the time to wait. I've tried calling local charities, but it's the same situation. You call and wait for a call back. I haven't heard anything yet. Rent is due in 2 days, and I am very worried. If it was just me I'd live in my car for a month, but I have a family to think about, and I only need to get through one more month. Please, if you are able to offer any assistance at all, we would be very grateful. Thank you for reading.