Need Help With Rent

Need Help, South Car

Hi, I'm not sure if this is real, but I hope that it is. My fiance and I are in a lot of financial strain. This month (again) we are short on rent. Our rent is $500. We actually had exactly $500 after asking family for money to go with my paycheck. This morning we went to the ATM to withdraw my paycheck and come to find out the bank took $200 out without my knowledge because I am also behind on my loan payment. We were short on rent last month by $100 and called our landlord thinking she would be considerate and let it go - but instead she was very angry and did not want to except less. I'm terrified we are going to get evicted if we don't come up with the $200 we need now to make rent. Please, if you read this consider helping out 2 good people who are just a couple struggling to make it on their own. Thanks.