need help with my bills asap befor i get kicked out of my home
Cjbladen1, Hartwell
I posted on here just a few mins ago but I'm not sure it was put on here. I lost my kids to the state about 6 months a go because my son got sunburnt. I hoping for some help to get my kids home . I need to get my power back on and get cought up on my rent. And my water bill. If any one can help me I will keep you updates and let you know how we are doing. All I want is to give my kids all the things in life I did not have. I walk to town to look for a job because I bont have a car. But I do what I have to do. Because that is how a mom should be. She should bo what ever it takes to take care of her kids. And that is what I'm doing so pleas help me and I will pay it foward as soon as I can.
