Need help with Gas and Precription

Survivor3, Ma/Ct

On March 13,my 15 yr.old daughter was assaulted by a boy at school pretty badly,after having been bullied most of the year.They thought he had fractured her skull.He did not thankfully.She suffered a concussion and has lost some vision in her right eye.The school turned me down for a close transfer saying they could handle it.I decided they were not handling it and had to pull her out.She was terrified to go to school.The only school was 21 miles away each way.Now I am suffering because of it.The gas is killing me.I am fighting the school for reimbursement,but it takes time.We also have a court date Friday.I am sitting here worried that I don't even have enough gas to pick her up.She also has a prescription waiting for her headaches but everything I had went in the tank.Honestly I am desperate.I can provide the court papers and proof of school transfer if needed.It really is an emergency.I just need to be able to keep her in school and safe and for her to have some relief from these headaches.Thank you:)