Need help with bills
MS is wip, Michigan
My wife and I were doing fine up until 18 months ago when she was diagnosed with MS. Since then we have accumulated big debts, lost income, and we are falling further behind each month. My wife has lost the ability to work, and my income isn't enough to keep up.
We have nine children, and we never would have had this many children if we knew what the future held. We were doing fine until this string of bad luck. We have kids in college who are going to have to take a break until our family's finances recover.
We are in a spiral. If we don't get some help soon, we'll lose our house, our cars (which are old), and who knows what else. We have nowhere else to go and no one else to turn to...

hi im glad to recieve response frm you since i saw your post that you realy in need here is the email of a couple who help me a lot. jeromegonzaga2@gmail.com pls dont tel them im the one who gave their email to you they dont want to spread it because many had abuse them.they are very kind i hope they wil also help you like what they did to me and to my family.be sincere in asking they only help people who deserve it. tel them your story. they wil listen i swear and 100 percent sure they wil change your life. good luck and god bless for some question feel free to ask me.
We can help you get back to us via email address: f_sodium11@yahoo.com
Phone Number: +447031988373
Richard Moore