Need Help To Make A Life
A Wish An, USA
Hi, I will not lie and say i have nothing, im in my grandparents house i have food , but i have no job no money now, cards maxed out bank in the neg and i want to start my life somehow, been scammed more then once, flat broke selling all i can to get some of the things i need , like getting to school so i may get my GED and hope to make something of myself. I have a girl i would very much love to be with , love her with all my heart,,,even miles apart as we are right now. I have tryed all i can to get my life started but work is hard to get and why i went back to school. I want more in life then to just be here and not moving forward. so im begging for someone with a heart of gold to help me get to my dream, to get to my goal of just having a life a car house , to be free. not lie again but would love a million dollars to get me to where i need to be, im not greedy so any help is more then welcome. One day i will pay it forward to someone just like me asking for a chance to make a good life for themselves email me of you can send to paypal at bflagg84@gmail.com god bless any heart that may see me fit to get a chance

good day.. first of all, i want to introduce my self my name is angel patricia go i also wrote in this site last year where you also wrote and ask for a help. i just want to tell you that i can help you. i can help you not financialy but i wil tell you that there are still good person in this world who are wiling to help people in need like us. they are mr and mrs gonzaga they dont have children so they prefer to help people in need. he help me and my family pay our debts which is 76,000usd.. i am so thankful that there are stil such good samaritan like them and i hope that they wil also help you and pls dont tel them that i am the one who told you about them because they only help people who deserve it thats what i can do.i just want to share this blessing. tell them your story they wil listen. hope they wil help you too like what they did to me and my family.good luck and god bless. if you are interested just let me know email me at mayetgo@gmail.com