Need Help To Make A Life

A Wish An, USA

Hi, I will not lie and say i have nothing, im in my grandparents house i have food , but i have no job no money now, cards maxed out bank in the neg and i want to start my life somehow, been scammed more then once, flat broke selling all i can to get some of the things i need , like getting to school so i may get my GED and hope to make something of myself. I have a girl i would very much love to be with , love her with all my heart,,,even miles apart as we are right now. I have tryed all i can to get my life started but work is hard to get and why i went back to school. I want more in life then to just be here and not moving forward. so im begging for someone with a heart of gold to help me get to my dream, to get to my goal of just having a life a car house , to be free. not lie again but would love a million dollars to get me to where i need to be, im not greedy so any help is more then welcome. One day i will pay it forward to someone just like me asking for a chance to make a good life for themselves email me of you can send to paypal at god bless any heart that may see me fit to get a chance