need help paying bills
Hardworki, Lubbock,
This is my last resort. 3 years ago, our only mode of transportation broke down. Since then, we have been without a car up until a few weeks ago when a great person at a local car dealership helped us find a car. Everything was going perfectly. Our income tax would be more than enough for our down payment so we would be able to get the car. The dealership gave us the car while we waited for our return. Last week, we found out that the return would never come. They were holding the entire check. We will be using our entire paychecks to pay for the down payment but we also have the car payment itself as well add utilities that are due. I'm not asking for someone to pay all our bills but anything you can spare will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.

I couldn’t provide your needs, but i could offer a job that you could earn 800 to 1000$ weekly with no stress at all, with this you don’t need any financial help from someone or any organization.
contact me on audreduarte@yahoo.com