Need help or I\'m out in the street

Need help, Romania

Last year I have lost my job. Since I am a single mother, I have a hard time finding a job that's good for me, because: 1. I need a certain schedule to be able to pick up my son from kindergarten 2. If I work late or in the weekend I need a job that pays me enough to be able to pay someone to take care of my son. I have been looking high and low for a job, but now my debts are piling up and I risk to get evicted. I really need help. I have no relatives that would help me, I have no one. Every little counts until I'll get myself out of this situation. I just need the money so I won't loose my home, because since I lost my job I have been working on a portfolio to get hired online as an artist, so I can make some extra cash even if I can only get the lowest payed job out there that doesn't fit my schedule needs. But I really need your help, because I cannot raise all that money by myself. Thank you!