Need help getting on my feet

Cody, Montreal,

At the moment, I'm looking in every avenue to make enough money to pay my rent, outstanding tickets, pay for groceries (as opposed to eating one item from the Value Menu at McDonald's in the evening, two if I'm feeling adventurous), my credit card bills (some of which are already overlimit and a couple months late on payments), gas for my car and a monthly transit fare soon due. I work full-time as a carwasher Monday to Friday and I would go to school in the spring and work part-time. But during June, I had to take a summer course which required me to come during the middle of my work day. I would spend about $50 per week in gas (transit to and from takes too long), and I would lose out of several precious work hours every day; what was once a usual $350/week now became $100-150/week, and I couldn't pay for everything. I'm still struggling to make payments and just recently got enough money to secure that my cell phone wouldn't be cut off. However, now I have an opportunity to make even more money. I am in a band, and we are in a Battle of the Bands, the grand prize being that we could be a regular feature at the venue and be paid for it. However, in order to get as many people to come as possible, I had to dig out of my own pocket to promote free tickets and rides to the venue in the countryside; as most of my friends don't have cars, they would have to take a taxi to the venue, which is about $40-50 each way: that's an extra $150 (at the least) that I have to pay for as an investment to a more secure career in my music (I have a degree in music, so musicianship and skill is not an issue). Because of this extra cost of $150+, the fact that I will have to spend $350 on rent by the end of the month, that I also have nearly $350 in credit card bills, that I have a $55 ticket due in the next couple of days, that I have another ticket of $450 due for next month, that I only make about $400/week during the summer, and that I'd like to be able to spend at least $50 in groceries without having to worry if my future won't otherwise be jeopardized, I know that I can't take care of all the costs. I need help... I'm looking to family for money, but they don't have much; I also work for family, so I get a glimpse of how little we make sometimes. I'm looking to friends that I've helped in the past, but even some of they are not doing so well financially. I can't take any odd jobs right now because my schedule is overloaded with prepare for the show that could actually make us professional. I'm looking at student loans and bursaries for the fall, but it takes at least 6 weeks to follow through, so right now, I'm really at a loss... Obviously, I've laid out what I need the most help with, but any kind of donation would help dearly. If you'd simply like to consider it a long-term loan, I could certainly do that for you and pay you back when I can get myself back on my feet. I may not seem as stressed as some of the people on this site, but that's because I'm asking for this kind of help in advance: I see the train coming, and I don't want to get hit, so I'm looking for any kind of way to move out of the way before the headlights stare in front of me. Thank you...