Need help!

Single mo, Pennsylva

This is the 3rd site I have had to pray to God will work. 8 months ago I decided it would be best for my daughter to move away from California. I got a great job here but childcare became very unreliable with the hours. My entire family was no longer in this area so it was hard because I had no one to help me. Being married to her father still it was hard for me to get the county aid. After 6 months I took him for child support but it was too late. I have now become in a situation where I need to move back home. I have a job and a place to live waiting for me there. I just need the money to move. My family can't help me right now financially. I have tried selling our things but was able to sell nothing. I have 3 days to get everything out and to get on a plane. I am so behind on everything because I have exausted every credit card I own trying to survive here to give her a better life. I'm not asking to get rich quick.. I just need some help to become current on things so that this move can happen. Anything helps.thank you.